First lecture for International Trade

You don’t need to start early, but here is the first reading assignment for International Trade:

Bernhofen, Daniel and John C. Brown. 2005. “An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan.” American Economic Review.

Autor, David H. David Dorn and Gordon H. Hanson. 2013. “Untangling Trade and Technology: Evidence from Local Labor Markets.” NBER Working Paper.

Acemoglu, Daron, David Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson. 2013. “Import Competition and the Great US Employment Sag of the 2000s.” NBER Working Paper.

Feenstra, Robert C. 2008. “Offshoring in the Global Economy.” Ohlin Lecture Series, pp.1-47 only.

Grossman, Gene M. and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. 2006. “The Rise of Offshoring: It’s Not Wine for Cloth Anymore.” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Also watch the two videos on comparative advantage at, and the video Sources of Comparative Advantage, they are located in the class on development economics.


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