Quantitative Economics
Quantitative Economics is a new online text from John Stachurski and Thomas J. Sargent that looks phenomenal.
This website contains a sequence of lectures on economic modeling, focusing on the use of programming and computers for both problem solving and building intuition. The primary programming language used in the lecture series is Python, a general purpose, open source programming language with excellent scientific libraries.
…At this stage, the level of the lectures varies from advanced undergraduate to graduate, although we intend to add more elementary applications in the near future. The lectures are suitable for courses in quantitative methods and computational techniques, and also for self study and independent study groups. To aid self study, all exercises have solutions. Our solutions are not the last word on each exercise — instead they provide one approach that demonstrates good coding practices
If you work through the majority of the course and do the exercises, you will learn
- how to analyze a number of fundamental economic problems, from job search and neighborhood selection to optimal fiscal policy
- the core of the Python programming language, including the main scientific libraries
- good programming style
- how to work with modern software development tools such as debuggers and version control
- a number of mathematical topics central to economic modeling, such as
- dynamic programming
- finite and continuous Markov chains
- filtering and state space models
- Fourier transforms and spectral analysis
I recommend you take the advanced undergraduate bit with a grain of salt.
Hat tip: Nathan Palmer.