Wednesday assorted links

1. Should you be an insider or an outsider?  With advice from Larry Summers.

2. Paul Krugman refers to a piece on New Deal bankers wanting higher interest rates.

3. Would leaving the EU make it easier for the UK to control its border? (no, shout from rooftops)

4. Video excerpt, Luigi Zingales on whether Pope Francis is overrated or underrated.  And lots of cheating on emissions tests, not just Volkswagen.  Speaking of cheating, Angus and I say North Carolina barbecue is in decline.

5. The polity that is New York City:”Custodians took home an average pay of $109,467 in the 2013-14 school year — and 634 of the city’s 799 custodians earned more than $100,000 in salary and overtime during that time, city payroll records show.”

6. What are the current restrictions on American travel to Cuba?

7. How Iceland managed to survive and bounce back.


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