Tuesday assorted links
1. Does the Canadian trade deal with the EU provide a good model for the UK?
2. How to teach the teachers, believe me they need it. And the movement for data analytics on students is considered promising but dangerous.
3. China nude pictures as IOU and collateral, link is safe for work…”…the lender would send the photo and her naked video footage to her family members if she could not pay back her 10,000 yuan borrowed on an annual interest rate of 24 percent within a week.”
4. “This is the sound of Britain breaking.”
5. “Man finds 22-pound chunk of butter estimated to be more than 2,000 years old in Irish bog.” I enjoyed this paragraph:
In her article “Bog Butter: A Two Thousand Year History” in The Journal of Irish Archaeology, Caroline Earwood wrote, “It is usually found as a whitish, solid mass of fatty material with a distinctive, pungent and slightly offensive smell. It is found either as a lump, or in containers which are most often made of wood but include baskets and skins.”
Then there is this:
Given that level of preservation, most of the butter is actually edible. Irish celebrity chef Kevin Thornton, who owns the Michelin-starred Thornton’s Restaurant in Dublin, claimed to have tasted a 4,000-year-old sample of bog butter.
Some of you may recall James Farewell’s 1689 poem “The Irish Hudibras” — “butter to eat with their hog, was seven years buried in a bog”.