Friday assorted links

1. “Consistent with growing evidence of skin color’s importance for Whites, we demonstrate that darker-skinned Whites—measured via a light-reflectance spectrophotometer—identify more strongly with their White racial identity and are more likely to hold conservative political views on racialized issues than lighter-skinned Whites.”  Link here.

2. People unable to think outside the box (on vaccines).  And a further update: the FDA may delay EUAs for vaccines, in part because they don’t have the stones to endorse other ways of running the trials, such as HCTs or for that matter a massive increase in clinical trial infrastructure funding.

3. “Update: Manu called again. He is lost and needs directions.”  Link here,  You need to click through once or twice to read the whole thread, recommended.  At some point you will think you have read it all, but you have not.  Click through then for more.

4. “Findings suggest that, rather than making marriage less desirable, some forms of “low-cost sexual gratification” such as pornography use to predict a comparatively higher desire for marriage.

5. “We have a clear passion for the same things,” Mr. Blackwell said by phone. “We care about people. We care about equality.” (NYT)

6. New bookstore in Dujiangyan, China.  Good links today.


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