Emergent Ventures winners, 12th cohort

Markus Strasser, from Linz and now London, to work on natural language processing for scientific outputs.

Andres Leon, a 17-year-old from Mexico City who is building a mobile payments company with his brother.

Ifat Lerner, Lerner Labs, a new venture customizing education for K-12 students.

Brianna Wolfson, for a start-up focused on teaching corporate culture.

Mukundh Murthy, 17-year-old from Massachusetts, studies biology, computational biology, and antibiotic resistance; the award is for general career development.

Youyang Gu, here are his Covid-19 projections using machine learning.  Here is his recent blog post.

Matt Faherty, to study and write about the NIH.

Here are previous cohorts of Emergent Ventures winners.


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