A big thank you to Jane Street

To the company that is, not the street:

We trade a wide range of financial products, including ETFs, Equities, Bonds, Options, Commodities, Digital Assets, Futures, and Currencies. We have global offices which allow us to make markets continually on more than 200 electronic exchanges and other trading venues in more than 40 countries around the world.

A number of people at Jane Street have donated a total of over $20 million to Emergent Ventures and Emergent Ventures India, as well as a significant sum to Fast Grants.  This support has existed for a while now, but they’ve always been anonymous donations. I am happy and honored to now be able to recognize them publicly, even if they prefer not to be individually named!

Jane Street is renowned for its brainy, challenging environment, and also for its ability to spot and recruit talent, so that makes their support for Emergent Ventures and Fast Grants all the more meaningful to me.  One further implication is that, if this is an appropriate option for you, please do consider working there.  I’ve always had a blast during my visits, and I recall one time where I gave a talk, we all went out to dinner, and then quite late everyone went back to the Jane Street office to play chess, bughouse, and other games.  They are better at these games than you might think, update your other expectations accordingly!


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