Thinking about God increases acceptance of artificial intelligence in decision-making

Artificial intelligence (AI), once merely the draw and drama of science fiction, is now a feature of everyday life. AI is commonly used to generate recommendations, from the movies we watch to the medical procedures we endure. As AI recommendations become increasingly prevalent and the world grapples with its benefits and costs, it is important to understand the factors that shape whether people accept or reject AI-based recommendations. We focus on one factor that is prevalent across nearly every society: religion. Research has not yet systematically examined how religion affects decision-making in light of emerging AI technologies, which inherently raise questions on the role and value of humans. In introducing this discussion, we find that God salience heightens AI acceptance.

That is from a recent paper by Mustafa Karatas and Keisha M. Cutright.  Speculative yes, but worth speculating about.  Via the excellent Kevin Lewis.


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