Category: Economics

Price Discrimination by Search Type

Many travel websites let you order your search results by price, by travel time, by quality and other variables.  Ross Parker has discovered that on at least one website prices differ depending on how you ask your search to be ordered.  In particular, if you ask for prices to be listed from lowest to highest you get lower prices, on exactly the same hotels, than when you ask for highest to lowest prices.  Of course, this is consistent with a very clever price discrimination scheme.

Comments are open.  I am interested to know whether anyone can verify the same phenomena on other websites.  Here is Ross’s data.

The site is Metro Getaways, a newspaper-linked travel site operated in the UK by Driveline. The prices are for a two-night break in Madrid on 4th August 2006, with flights from London.

Hotel Rating Price (Lowest First) Price (Highest First)
Francisco 1 Hotel 2* £146.80 £169.50
Asturias Hotel 2* £147.65 £170.35
Tryp Washington 3* £174.00 £196.70
Tryp Rex 3* £174.00 £196.70
Tryp Menfis 4* £184.20 £206.90
Tryp Ambassador 4* £189.30 £212.00
Vincci Soho 4* £192.70 £215.40
Gran Melia Fenix 5* £257.30 £280.00

The best two sentences I read today

Wage dispersion among narrowly defined groups of workers is substantially larger for older and more educated workers than for younger and less educated works.  As [a] result, I show that a large fraction of the increase in residual wage inequality is a spurious consequence of the fact that the work force has grown older and more educated since the early 1980s.

That is Thomas Lemieux, from ""Increasing Wage Inequality," the lead article in the June 2006 American Economic Review.  Lemieux also dismisses the common view that information technology is the major cause of growing wage dispersion.

Since I am having a 12-course Cantonese meal tonight at Hong Kong Palace [Falls Church], those two sentences are unlikely to be topped later today.  Here are related papers by the author.

How to Get People to Save More

Hal Varian covers this topic in today’s New York Times:  Excerpt:

As the authors put it, "Taken together, our results suggest that the
combination of a clear and understandable match for saving, easily
accessible savings vehicles, the opportunity to use part of an income
tax refund to save, and professional assistance could generate a
significant increase in contributions to retirement accounts, including
among middle- and low-income households."

Markets in everything: The ten weirdest items sold on ebay

Here is the list, but what about the atheist who asks to be paid to go to church?  My favorite:

8.  Item #248619068:  The Meaning of Life

Someone finally figured it out, and they put it up for sale on eBay.
Even with eight bids this incredible find didn’t fetch much, but it was
probably the best $3.26 the winning bidder ever spent.

Of course you can get it here for free…

Dan Hill asks

Why does the liklihood of free internet decrease as the hotel price increases?

My answer: The more expensive the hotel, the more likely it will have many business travelers.  Those people are less price sensitive, especially for add-ons.  The greater dispersion of valuations also increases the incentive to price discriminate and, in essence, charge them a higher rate.  If Internet service is averaged into the basic price, Internet users receive an implicit discount.  Why offer that discount to your business travelers?  Steve Landsburg wrote a short piece on this for Slate.

Here is Dan’s original question.

Why are there hidden fees?

Here is the bottom line:

Laibson and Gabaix’s explanation relies on a good bit of math, too, but
it can be summarized pretty simply using a hypothetical example.
Imagine two hotel chains. The first, Hidden Price Inn, has a very low
room rate of $80 a night, but makes liberal use of high "shrouded"
fees: Three bucks for a minibar Dr Pepper, $25 for parking, $12 for
eggs at breakfast. The unsophisticated traveler cheerily (if
unwittingly) forks over the fees, all the while patting herself on the
back for getting a cheap room.

Now imagine a second chain, Straightforward Suites. It charges much
more reasonably for the extra costs ($1, say, for that Dr Pepper), but
because it makes less on the extras, it has to charge slightly more for
the room-$95, instead of $80. Even an unsophisticated traveler can tell
$95 isn’t as good as $80.

Through an aggressive ad campaign, Straightforward could try to point
out how devious the approach of Hidden Price Inn is and how much less
deceptive its own prices are. But Laibson and Gabaix show that there’s
a catch in this strategy: Hidden Price Inn actually has two key types
of customers. Yes, there are the clueless consumers (the economists
prefer to call them "myopic"). But there are also the sophisticated
ones, who know that if they avoid the hotel restaurant, take a taxi
instead of using the parking garage, and call home with a cellphone,
they’ll actually get a better deal at Hidden Price than at

Straightforward Suites’s ad campaign, then, might just end up
increasing the ranks of sophisticated consumers who will in turn dial
up Hidden Price Inn for a cut-rate room. Rather than play this
self-defeating game, Straightforward will most likely just lower its
own room prices and stick it to the customers on the extras.

Here is the full story, by Christopher Shea.  The pointer is from  Here are earlier versions of the paper.

Does a gold standard involve resource costs?

Milton Friedman said yes, but on this question I am not convinced.  Friedman thought the costs would be as high as 2.5 percent of gdp.

The standard argument is that a gold standard means more gold held in vaults.  That’s less gold for tooth fillings or jewelry.

But the gold held in vaults involves an implicit option on conversion into jewelry.  What is exactly the value of that option?  Yikes, I feel confused after only a few sentences of this post.

But surely the real value of that option depends on the price level and also the division of gold into monetary and non-monetary uses.  I therefore suspect there is some price level path where the option value on holding gold is equal, in risk-adjusted terms, to the returns on other assets.  (A Mr. Smarty Pants TroubleMaker type might here cite Truman Bewley in response.)  Probably that means deflation.

The gold in the vault is then no longer barren.  It is no more barren than the gold held in your bureau, which is presumably an "option on wearing it to a fine dinner party."

The Friedman argument, to me, seems pre-Black-Scholes.  Here are some related skeptical arguments.

That all said, I do not favor a gold standard.  For behavioral wage-and-price-stickiness reasons I think mild inflation is better than a high probability of deflation.

The Pigou-Brennan-Buchanan club

Greg Mankiw asks for members in the Pigou club and lists a growing and illustrious set of people.  I’ll opt in, though I would wish to change the name of the club.  Geoff Brennan and James Buchanan, in their The Power to Tax, wrote one of the best and most important books on public finance in the twentieth century.  Their message is simple: if you don’t always trust government, beware of "efficient taxes."  Those same taxes will make it easier for government to extract excess revenue from the population.  For instance lump sum taxation is not in every way a dream come true.  It can turn into outright confiscation beyond reasonable levels.

I’ll fess up to the following.  We have been fiscally irresponsible and must pay the bills.  Global warming is a major problem and a carbon tax is at least possibly a partial solution.  So the Brennan and Buchanan point, circa USA 2006, is less relevant than at many other times or in many other places.  But hey, clubs are universal and forever and forever (at least my treehouse club was, when I was six).  I’ll join, but I suspect Greg would not be fully on board with Pigou’s politics.  There is a reason why Pigou taxes come from…Pigou.  That same reason is why the concept should be broadened just a wee bit…

The minimum wage: theory before history

Greg Mankiw and Brad DeLong are having some back and forth over the minimum wage.  I’m willing to admit, unabashedly, that I form my judgments on this matter by theory more than "raw evidence."  When the evidence is unclear, or points in multiple directions, I favor the most plausible explanation.

Unlike like most market-oriented economists, however, I am not obsessed with the story of the downward-sloping demand curve for labor, to the exclusion of all other possible mechanisms.  I am more likely to see markets as extremely flexible and to look to the quality of job as a critical variable.  If minimum wages go up, I expect some mix of two scenarios:

1. The employer restores the previous net wage by worsening working conditions.

2. The employer upgrades the quality of job and thus marginal products, to meet the new level of minimum wage.

Now #1 is not much of an argument for boosting the minimum wage.  But is #2?

It sounds good but the employer had decided in the first place not to create those higher productivity jobs.  So those jobs must cost more and we should expect a negative effect on employment, albeit perhaps a slight one.

It is also the case that those jobs will go to the "most easily upgradable" workers among the low-wage working set.  I suspect those are the low-wage workers with relatively high human capital and high levels of adaptability.  Among the class of low-wage workers, the effects are probably anti-egalitarian.  That again does not make the minimum wage sound so great, even though the employment effects could be small or perhaps even zero.  I might add this also explains why the most articulate low-wage workers probably, for reasons of self-interest, favor increases in the minimum wage.

I don’t buy into the Card-Krueger monopsony scenario, at least not outside of rural Nebraska.  If you wish to defend it (does anybody? — even Krugman scorned it), comments are open.

I invite all participants to the debate to indicate the relative weights they place on "theory" vs. "history."  I’ll invent an imaginary, meaningless scale and opt in at "0.7" in favor of theory.  If the evidence were clearer, of course, my weights would change.


Joel Waldfogel covers an interesting new study of corruption in the motor vehicle department in India.  Some eight hundred Indians were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the first group got a cash bonus for getting a license, the second group was given driving lessons, the third group was a control.

If government worked well we would expect the second group to be the most likely to get a license in the shortest period of time.  Instead, the first group bribed their way to a license.  In addition to taking the shortest period of time, most of the first group never even had to take a test!

Waldfogel has more details.  He misses, however, what I think is the most important finding of the study.  The delay in the Indian DMV is "endogeneous," i.e. it’s not due to torpor or constraint but instead is a result of corruption.

How can the Indian bureaucrats make the most of their control over licenses? First, make the line long.  But that can increase the bribe-price only so much – especially given how cheap it is to hire someone in India to wait in line for you.  The real value is in the license itself so the Indian examiners randomly fail many applicants, even those with good driving skills.  Paying the bribe, therefore, is really the only route to a license.  The net result is long lines and unsafe drivers.

Corruption like this is endemic throughout the world.  Libertarians should take note, however, the problem in this case is not so much that there is too much government but that government is too weak. 

Univision and Hispanic assimilation: a market test

When Univision [the major Spanish-language TV station] put itself on the auction block earlier this year, it was widely seen as an effort…to capitalize on the surging interest in the fast-growing Hispanic media sector.  Univision signaled early on that it was seeking $40 a share, or more than #13 billion, and was confident it would attract interest from both major media companies and private-equity investors.

But big media…never emerged as serious bidders.

Some of the issues were the general decline in television advertising and regulatory constraints on cross-ownership.  The article continues:

And then there is the demograhic issue: New Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. frequently are drawn to Univision and its popular telenovelas — essentially Spanish-language soap operas  But their children eventually become more mainstream media consumers, after immersing themselves in English-language programming.

That is from The Wall Street Journal, 23 June 2006.  The share price has been falling. 

If you disagree with me on immigration and assimilation, as I know a few of you do, I urge you to buy stock in Univision.

Robin Hanson’s ‘Myth of Creativity”

Here is the link.  Excerpt:

To succeed in
academia, my graduate students and I had to learn to be less creative
than we were initially inclined to be. Critics complain that schools
squelch creativity, but most people are inclined to be more creative on
the job than would be truly productive. So schooling is mostly about
selecting the smarter and more diligent, and learning to show up day
after day to somewhat boring jobs with ambiguous instructions.

What society needs is not more creativity or suggestions for change but
better ways to encourage people to focus on important issues, identify
the most promising ideas, and tell the right people about them. But our
deification of creativity gets in the way.

Strange questions I ask Bryan Caplan

Assuming you start from a multi-dimensional global utility maximum, which Lancastrian characteristics — with non-trivial shadow prices — would you like more of in a corresponding unconstrained equilibrium?

Forget about money or time, which obviously we all want more of.  Which unbundlings do you desire? 

I, for one, would like to have more of Bryan.  But he is bundled with Fairfax.  I travel a great deal and he usually stays put.  I can’t get much more of him in my first best outcome.  But if he were suddenly eating kabobs with me in Hyderabad, if only for an hour, how fun that would be.  More generally, I would like to have a less wide circle of friends but my Wanderlust interferes.

I would like taste to be unbundled from calories.  I would like books to be smaller, lighter, and easier to carry, if that were a free lunch so to speak.  I would like fantasy novels to be bound by stricter rules.

What would you like to see unbundled?