Results for “markets in everything”
1803 found

Assorted links

1. New blog from the New York Fed.  And a new blog comparing China to India.

2. Grain bin accidents.

3. Japan explains its nuclear problems to children (video).

4. Where are the robots in Japan’s nuclear crisis?

5. Good Josh Marshall post on Libya.

6. Markets in everything: “One of Taiwan’s top Japanese restaurants is offering diners the use of a radiation gauge before they eat in case of any nerves in the wake of Japan’s nuclear disaster.”  And here are hoof shoes.

7. Right now, only Canadians need this.  Soon many more millions will want it.

8. Ricardian video from the Thai Military Bank.

Assorted links

1. On right-wing economists and health care plans, John Goodman responds.

2. Should you stuff your little kid full of learning?

3. One hypothesis as to why they are selling expiring ebooks to libraries.

4. How to end the Great Stagnation there is no Great Stagnation.

5. File under “unlikely to prove expansionary for the global economy.”

6. Scott Sumner on Japan and the yen.

7. What kind of economic arguments work on TV? (pdf)

8. Dilbert markets in everything.

9. The forthcoming change in Japan’s working age population.

10. Michael Kremer symposium on development economics, RCTs, etc.

Assorted links

1. More from Arnold Kling on The Great Stagnation.

2. Kevin Drum on the Kindle version.

3. Predictions about Egypt, from Egyptians, January 2010.

4. How good is Kobe Bryant in the clutch?

5. Markets in everything: Lie back and think of Mother England.

6. Critique of behavioral economics for not being behavioral enough, full paper here.

7. Will Medicaid expand or shrink?

8. TSA halts further "privatizations."

Assorted links

1. Taking a test helps cement your learning.

2. Communist Monopoly game, called Queue.

3. Threats against Francis Fox Piven.

4. "This study may be true but it is hard to know because the study that served as the counterfactual was never able to get published :)" Link here.

5. Why wages are sticky.

6. Markets in everything: human cheese; "soft and spreadable…"

7. Bob Barr, former LP candidate, now representing Duvalier.  Say it ain't so.  It's so!

Most Popular Marginal Revolution Posts from 2010

Here are the most popular Marginal Revolution posts from 2010 as measured by landing pages and page views.

1. Book lists were very popular as a category. The highest ranked post in terms of page views was Tyler's Books which have influenced me the most which created a blogosphere avalanche. Links to other people's lists (of influential books) was also very popular. As was Books of the year, 2010 and peculiarly this post on The best-selling book of all time.

2. The number one linked post was What happened to M. Night Shyamalan? a one-liner and one-picturer.  Also very popular in the category of "quickies" were Barbados v. Grenada, the demand for own-goalsDead BirdsFreak-onomics, Nazi-Nudging, and Yuck_markets in Everything.

3. One Game Machine per Child on the failure of a computer voucher program to raise grades (but it did increase gaming).

4. Lost: The Final Episode

5. The Dark Magic of Structured Finance.

6. Gay Sex Statistics.

7. Peter A. Diamond.

8. How the Bill Will Evolve.

9. Economic Misconceptions.

10. Why Did the Soviet Union Fall? (from 2007).

11. The Small Schools Myth.

12. A Theory for Why Latvian Women are Beautiful.

Other substantive posts with high popularity (in the top-50) were my posts Insiders, Outsiders and Unemployment and The Philosophical Cow and Tyler's posts How many children should you have?Is there a case for a vat?Does the Law Professor have cause to complain? and Why is Haiti so Poor?

Two of my posts from previous years were also popular in 2010, from 2008 What is New Trade Theory? on Paul Krugman's Nobel and from 2005 Why Most Published Research Findings are False.

Hope you have enjoyed this years offerings. What have I missed?