Results for “markets in everything”
1803 found

Assorted links

1. "Cheap talk with multiple audiences": assorted theories of Mitch McConnell.

2. What does high status email look like?

3. What happened to the future?

4. Trading on a quick computer read of digitized information.

5. What are the chances of muni doomsday?

6. Preemptive markets in everything: BOA edition.

7. Follow Basel III, the euro, Switzerland, etc. on Twitter.

8. One skeptical view of Denisovans.

Assorted links

1. More culturally untranslateable expressions, some of them obscene.

2. Blog symposium on behavioral law and economics, with many notables.

3. Against overlordship.

4. Ireland markets in everything, boxer shorts edition.

5. Should men or women staff Saudi lingerie stores?

6. Do scientific effects shrink over time?

7. The Taiwanese explain Ireland (video).

8. Why are there so few great women chefs?  (Or are there?)

9. The wisdom of Garett Jones, on the status of science.

10. Why I don’t blog the “tax cut deal” very much.

11. More backlash against the arsenic paper.

Assorted links

1. Very good post on Ireland.

2. Economists working at hi-tech firms.

3. Tuataras routinely live to 100, or longer.

4. Markets in everything: dealing with your health insurance paperwork.

5. A dispute over Peter Diamond's district.

6. The world's most powerful economist.

7. Via Ireland, a good argument for a King.

8. Chalmers Johnson has passed away.

9. David Nolan, founder of the Libertarian Party, has passed away; more here.

Assorted links

1. Bryan Caplan, statistical theist?.  I sometimes say that the GMU blogging group is divided into theistic and atheistic thinkers, as we have several of both.

2. Tim Harford is switching to Twitter (don't tell Mario Rizzo).

3. Markets in everything?: pay for red lights to go green.

4. What is the main lesson of this short video?

5. Markets in everything: cell phone storage for high school students, liquidity premium exceeds carrying costs edition.

6. Liebowitz and Margolis on where the lock-in literature went wrong.

7. Walter Russell Mead on Obama.

Assorted links

1. How good is Twitter at estimating the strengths of earthquakes?

2. Robin Hanson.

3. Markets in everything: DUI scooters.

4. Markets in everything: a waste of good lingerie (safe for work, actually).

5. Michael Cannon's theory of how to limit Medicare expenditures: "Larger vouchers would mean greater demand for medical care. Yet each producer group's incentive to lobby for a higher growth rate would be much less than their incentive to lobby to increase the prices Medicare pays them today."