Results for “assorted links”
5619 found

Assorted links

1. What are the consequences of late marriage?

2. A closer look at the health care cost slowdown.

3. Update on Chinese plans for Iceland.

4. The black box that is Google (a redo of “I, Pencil,” arguably).

5. Bostridge on Britten.

6. ZeroHedge speculates on Cyprus.  I don’t see how even the “good bank” will be able to survive under the plan in the works.  The key question is whether any enacted plan has a deposit guarantee backed by the EU as a whole and right now that looks quite unlikely.  Capital controls will sever the “Cypriot euro” from the euro more generally and de facto end the euro era in Cyprus.  It will be very hard to ever take them off (how soon can you imagine Cyprus rebuilding its credibility?)  Another question is what Cypriot legislators actually will vote for, given their connections to Russia and perhaps also their fear of Russian reprisals against their persons.  There is a very good Cyprus post here, and another here.  Here is a very good post on what is in the capital controls, lots.

Assorted links

1. Excellent post on the biases of economists, and penguin plays an iPad game for cats.

2. The distraction-free iPhone.

3. Is North Korea running a current account surplus?

4. Meg Greene on the Cyprus deal.

5. A staring game and its resolution (short video, profound along multiple dimensions).

6. An “option clause” proposal for Cyprus, Felix Salmon likes the idea.  And Pissarides on Cyprus.

Assorted links

1. Smiling fighters are more likely to lose.

2. Posner on automation and employment.

3. Is it a mistake to Punjabify Thai food, and what is wrong with the North Indian palate anyway? And a short piece on how much Indian women drink alcohol (not that much).

4. What New Zealand has become.

5. Robin Hanson on MetaMed.

6. Choosing the right seat, and does capital accumulate and labor not?

7. Perry Anderson on Cyprus.

Assorted links

1. Cockatoos exhibit self-control in nut-trading games.

2. How to enjoy your iPhone much much more, as taught by the Japanese.  Or try this link here:

3. Free tuition until you get a job.

4. Does delaying marriage hurt the middle class most?

5. Kickstarter project related to Milton Friedman and teaching economics to young kids.

6. The story of a writer, numerous pieces of wisdom therein, recommended.