Results for “assorted links”
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Assorted links

1. An oldie but goodie: let’s not forget Christina Romer’s classic paper on spurious volatility in the historical data (pdf).  This is with reference to recent writings from Eichengreen and Roubini.  I don’t favor a gold standard but criticisms should start with this paper.

2. Critical review of the new MLK memorial.

3. What do anesthetics do?

4. Predictions by Pettis, mostly correct I think, in any case worth a read.

5. Some of Alan Krueger’s academic work.

Assorted links

1. Relative Irish bond yields, read the comments also, more on Ireland, and more on Greek banks.

2. Is China’s dominance a sure thing? (pdf, and where does that seven percent growth assumption come from anyway?)

3. Is oil constraining economic growth?  And Richard Posner as pessimist.

4. Han Solo markets in everything (“The Empire will compensate you if he melts”)

5. Where did Einstein’s equation come from?

Assorted links

1. Advice for a budding neuroscientist.

2. How canaries court.

3. Korean markets in everything, and umbrella markets in everything.

4. Will the U.S. again become the world energy capital?

5. Der Theoretiker des Stillstands, Handelsblatt profile of me.  And how a German politician apologizes for an affair with a 16-year-old (in German), no hope for the eurozone, hat tip Yana.  In English, Kenneth Silber reviews TGS.