Results for “assorted links”
5620 found

Tuesday assorted links

1. Skepticism about the beauty premium?

2. “On a cellular level, younger generations seem to be aging faster than their forebears.” (speculative)

3. Interview with Merve Emre.

4. William Stanley Jevons and eclipses (NYT).  And an Amtrak train ride across the country is less carbon-efficient than flying (NYT).

5. The ascent of high school wrestlers.

6. A short video on how the Great Pyramids may have been built.

7. Was more spent on eclipse tourism than on the Taylor Swift tour?

Monday assorted links

1. NYT symposium on smart phones and childhood.  And when do young female suicide rates start rising?  Tweet here.  And “Gen Alpha (my kid’s generation) has already optimized out of it and have figured out how to do the social play they need to in the new medium.

2. Prize money for prompts.

3. Bridgewater x Metaculus forecasting contest.

4. Louise Perry on Andrea Dworkin.

5. Chechenya bans all music deemed too fast or too slow.

6. Is Pakistan seeking normalization with India?

7. Eclipse songs.  And from India.

8. Levitt and Donohue defend their abortion-crime results.

Sunday assorted links

1. Can the Left be happy? (Ross D. in the NYT)

2. Explosive growth from AI automation?  (This paper is economically literature, and uses some simple models)

3. James C. Scott, “Academic Diary of an Iconoclast” (academic gate).

4. Some more serious evidence that rising population density predicts lower fertility uh-oh.

5. Liberia fact of the day.

6. Soumaya Keynes FT column on government debt, with a focus on Jamaica.  She is flat out one of the best columnists period, time for more people to say that!

7. Oliver Kim on Albert Hirschman on development, including “development decisions” as the truly scarce factor.

Saturday assorted links

1. Zvi annotates the CWT with Jon Haidt.

2. How is bird flu spreading in cows?

3. Not sure I believe in these kinds of correlations, but here are some results suggesting that automation leads to less religion.

4. Claims about GPTs.  Complicated but interesting.

5. Ezra Klein and Nilay Patel on AI and the future of media and the internet (NYT).


7. Janan Ganesh on peace and technological stagnation (FT).

Friday assorted links

1. Matt Lakeman on El Salvador, recommended.

2. Paxlovid not having a positive impact for the healthy and already-vaccinated.

3. Under what conditions will every Japanese person be named Sato by 2531?

4. Is “dark energy” weakening? And more from the NYT.

5. The Economist seeks a new economics writer.

6. How to lead coordinated research programs.  A  playbook.

7. A relatively positive view on how lenders are viewing Africa these days.

Thursday more assorted links

1. Percentage of women in C-Suite jobs is now declining in the U.S.

2. Short piece by my colleague Dan Klein on misinformation (WSJ).

3. A thread on new minimum wage results, noting that Dube has a response in there as well.  Paper here.

4. Can GPT-4 talk people out of conspiracy theories?  Maybe.

5. Mobile money for bitcoin, for Africa, and not requiring internet connections.

6. Peter Singer Substack.

7. Suno playlist on Spotify.

Thursday assorted links

1. Interview with Michael Elowitz on synthetic biology.  Asimov Press again.

2. The brothers who collected Star Trek memorabilia (NYT).  A weird story, believe it or not.

3. The importance of foreign workers for national security.

4. What makes home building so expensive? (cost issues, not NIMBY issues)

5. The growing rate of NBA twins.

6. At what age should you be taught Algebra 2?

Tuesday assorted links

1. New Zealand’s building boom.

2. Thread on new research on why people hate inflation, by Stefanie Stantcheva.

3. NFTs as part of the art world doing better than many people think.

4. ‘I’m 28. And I’m Scheduled to Die in May.’

5. List of biotech-themed questions.

6. “Headline results: we estimate raising Dogger Bank would cost £97.5bn, but would bring present value benefits of £622bn. Under the government’s standard method of cost-benefit analysis, this project would get a go-ahead, with a cost-benefit ratio of 6.2.”  Link here.

7. Ezra Klein and Ethan Mollick, self-recommending (NYT).

8. AI Mathematical Olympiad Progress Prize.

Monday assorted links

1. How much would you pay never to saw off a finger? (NYT)

2. Scott Sumner movie reviews.

3. Peter Eotvos, RIP (NYT).

4. Haidt responds to critics.  And is schizophrenia a useful identifying variable?

5. Vaccine mandates were counterproductive for health care workers.

6. New guidelines on email deliverability.

7. Highly speculative take on Russia and the Havana Syndrome.  I have long believed that Havana Syndrome is real, though I cannot vouch for this particular account.

Sunday assorted links

1. Brian Wilson thought this was the best Beach Boys album ever.

2. A new interview with Daniel Kahneman.  His last?

3. Vitalik on the libertarian-to-fascist pipeline.

4. “The Beatles, Jones recalled, had named a song “All You Need Is Love.” Why not call the paper “Attention Is All You Need”?”  Wired link here.

5. Travel notes for Thiruvananthapuram.

6. America is claiming lots of new land.

7. Only Islamist terror attacks hurt the stock market.

Saturday assorted links

1. Is Wang Huning the Chinese Tocqueville?

2. David Brooks on Fareed Zakaria (NYT).

3. “Knighthoods for services to AI are PROFOUNDLY Anglofuturist.

4. Pakistan wants to open trade with India (Bloomberg).

5. Andrew Gelman does not think the median voter theorem is underrated.  I say look at outcomes in the aggregate, for instance the content of the federal budget.

6. Are social media to blame?

7. Monkey gangs on Twitter, the polity that is Thailand.

Friday assorted links

1. Over 100 comments here on an MR blog post, and by far the best one is by GPT-4.

2. My older posts on time management.  I’ll think if I have any revisions.  Speaking of old links, here again is Martin Shkreli on SBF and prison.

3. Canada gdp on the rebound.

4. I welcome Ben Klutsey to his new role as Mercatus Executive Director.  And have had a great ten years working with Dan Rothschild.

5. Honduras trying to break its contracts.  Ten of the eleven pending cases are against Honduras.

6. “Memories are made by breaking DNA — and fixing it.

7. “Martin Scorsese to Headline a Religious Series for Fox Nation.” (NYT).