Econ Journal Watch
Table of Contents with links to articles (pdf)
- Crossfire Over Shall-Issue: Writing in the Stanford Law Review
in 2003, Ian Ayres and John J. Donohue found the balance pointing
toward "more guns, more crime." Making a number of upgrades, Carlisle
Moody and Thomas Marvell redo it and find the balance pointing the
other way.
(Professors Ian Ayres and John J. Donohue have been
invited to reply to this article, and their analysis will appear in the
January 2009 issue of the journal.) - Economists on Sports Subsidies: Dennis Coates and Brad Humphreys call the rout.
- Colleagues, Where Is the Market Failure?: Daniel Klein dissects the judgment and rhetoric of economists on the FDA.
- The Curtailment of Critical Commentary: A report from Down Under.
- The State of Economics Science—82 Years Ago: A reprint from Social Forces, 1926.
- Endeavor in “We”: Daniel Klein invites a discussion about building an identity for [Placeholder] economics.
- Salute to Stiglitz on Iraq: Fred Foldvary reviews The Three Trillion Dollar War by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes.
- Where There’s Smoke: All funding is agenda-laden, says a correspondent.