What do children remember from a museum?
There is a new study and here is the central result:
Gross's team said the results "demonstrated that children learned and
remembered an extraordinary amount of information about a school trip
to a museum" even after a lengthy delay. The findings also showed that
giving the children the opportunity to draw, significantly increased
the amount of accurate information they recalled. This is consistent
with previous, forensically motivated research showing that drawing
facilitates children's verbal reports of their experiences.
These same children do poorly in recollecting information about the museum on a comprehension test designed by adults. In another words, what children learn from the museum is not in general what the adults are inclined to test them on or what the adults think they should be learning. The funny thing, I think, is that they consider this a study of children rather than of human beings.
The children were brought to the Royal Albatross Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand. Here are six (presumably) adult reviews of the Centre.