The new Fable of the Bees literature
From the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, there is a new paper by Randal R. Rucker, Walter N. Thurman, and Michael Burgett (Dept. of Entomology), here is the abstract:
The world’s most extensive markets for pollination services are those for honey bee pollination in the United States. These markets play important roles in coordinating the behavior of migratory beekeepers, who both produce honey and provide substitutes for ecosystem pollination services. We analyze the economic forces that drive migratory beekeeping and theoretically and empirically analyze the determinants of pollination fees in a larger and richer data set than has been studied before. Our empirical results expand our understanding of pollination markets and market-supporting institutions that internalize external effects.
This is a deep and thoughtful analysis which extends the tradition of Steven Cheung. There is an earlier ungated version here. Here is a related paper from UC Davis, and here is a related paper on the economics of honeybee pollination in Georgia. Here is a very good summary of the main piece.
For the pointer I thank Michelle Dawson.