Newsweek coverage for *Create Your Own Economy*

…the author has crafted a how-to guide for living in the
information-glutted 21st century, and a convincing defense of our
just-Google-it culture, which many say is dumbing down the species. His
four best ideas:

The Rain Man stereotype is wrong.
Many people with autistic traits function quite well in society. In
fact, we can learn from this neurodiversity," since autistics excel at
mentally ordering information, a key trait in the digital age.

constant Twittering and e-mail checking may look like ADD, but they
actually mean we're paying better attention to long-running stories,
such as a presidential election or a family member's career.

Google is making us smarter. The Internet has rendered it
unnecessary to store a lot of "general knowledge" in our heads.
Instead, we can specialize in the areas that truly matter to us.

culture moves online, it becomes easier to copy and share. "When access
is easy," writes Cowen, "we tend to favor the short, the sweet, and the
bitty." Hence the rise of Twitter, six-word memoirs, and other small
doses of culture.

The link is here.


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