Questions that are rarely asked: the Wikipedia paradox

Michael Nielsen has two of them:

Question 1: What’s the most notable subject that’s not notable enough for inclusion in Wikipedia?

Let’s assume for now that this question has an answer (“The Answer”), and call the corresponding subject X. Now, we have a second question whose answer is not at all obvious.

Question 2: Is subject X notable merely by being The Answer?

Do you see where this is headed?  Must Wikipedia include everything?  There is more analysis at the link and note that the more these questions are asked, the more likely we encounter a paradoxical answer:

…suppose I went to great trouble to convene a conference series on The Answer, was able to convince leading logicians and philosophers to take part, writing papers about The Answer, convinced a prestigious journal to publish the proceedings, arranged media coverage, and so on. The Answer would then certainly have exceeded Wikipedia’s notability guidelines!

I wonder, as do you, whether this notoriety extends in transitive fashion to the seventeenth round of deciding who or what is the marginally deserving entry: "Well, you're not really notable, or even close, but all the others who were marginal became famous through the process of having had their lack of fame debated.  Mick Jagger now invites you to his party."  Not!

At some point these people under debate, once there are enough of them, all turn into a big group of Wikipedia nobodies.  


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