Corn tamale home recipe

Here is another reader request:

more tyler cowen home recipes. previous installments have been helpful thanks.

Lately I have been buying frozen corn tamales ("tamale de elote") from a Latin supermarket or Shoppers Food Warehouse.  Steam them, wrapped, for ten to twelve minutes.  Serve with El Salvadoran white sour cream on top or to the side.  (Honduran or Guatemalan white sour cream will do in a pinch.)  You also can heat up some Goya small red beans, with a bit of freshly ground cumin and ideally some fresh stock.  For the ambitious, make the stock from celery, black pepper, salt, onion slices, pork neck, and one ancho chile, but the beans taste fine on their own.

It's one of the easiest good meals I know and its a way to bring some deflation into your life.


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