Assorted links

1. The detailed program for the Coase conference, late March in DC.

2. The concept of tipping is spreading.

3. I am very happy to see my former Ph.D student, Shawn DuBravac, who recently finished his degree, at #10 on the NYT non-fiction bestseller list.  His book Digital Destiny is here.

4. “The most unforgivable sin in the world,” Mr. McKuen told The Washington Post in 1969, “is to be a best-selling poet.”  An excellent obituary.

5. Paul Krugman on how blogging is changing, or not.

6. “Semanas atrás, durante un viaje a Panamá, el economista estadounidense Tyler Cowen estaba aburrido y se puso a ver en la TV un viejo partido de básquet de 1980 entre Los Angeles Lakers y Portland.

7. Can you have a Chinese Communist Party without an ideology?


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