The Bosnian Muslim community in St. Louis is doing fine

Wikipedia reports:

As of 2013 there were 70,000 Bosnians in St. Louis. This is the largest population of Bosnians in the United States and the largest Bosnian population outside of Europe. Most are Bosniak and Muslims.

It seems to be going fine.  Here is one local account from 2012:

It’s easy to depict the resettlement of Bosnians in St. Louis – predominantly Bosnian Muslims, called Bosniaks, but also Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs, all fleeing war – as a prototypical American success story. In less than two decades, refugees who arrived with proverbial pennies in their pockets have bought cars, then homes, seen their children graduate from American high schools, then colleges.

In less than a generation, Bosnian-St. Louisans have become doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, bankers, professors, tech specialists, entrepreneurs. They have buoyed the population of the city of St. Louis, improved the safety of their neighborhoods, built three mosques, formed a Chamber of Commerce, cracked the code of American capitalism, and plugged into an international network of Bosnian media and Bosnian culture in diaspora.

For a related pointer I thank John Bell.


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