Sunday assorted links

1. David Perell autobio short essay about his early years in school and why they were terrible.

2. 35 predictions about the world after coronavirus, some of them terrible (in quality that is, I don’t mean terribly pessimistic).

3. How SARS was stopped.

4. Eli Dourado on accelerating vaccines.

5. Kevin Erdmann’s coronavirus home equity line of credit.

6. Auren Hoffman praises McDonalds.

7. Megan McArdle has a cooking blog.

8. Is the coronavirus squeezing Mexican gangs?

9. Chess in the time of corona.  I liked this one.

10. Slavoj Žižek on coronavirus.

11. Will Saudi face a balance of payments crisis?

12. “Bogus stories of wild animals flourishing in quarantined cities gives false hope—and viral fame.

13. “There’s plenty of competition, but most ineffective world leader responding to coronavirus right now goes to Brazil President Bolsonaro. This weekend he’s blasting governors taking lockdown measures. Will seriously damage his mandate.”  Link here.


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