Sunday assorted links

1. Guy who knew Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife is publishing a book soon.

2. City charters really matter.  And the same guy — Austin Berg — runs a YouTube channel on Rare African Vinyl.

3. Does an overreliance on English hinder cognitive science?

4. US will support sending ‘multinational rapid action force’ to Haiti.

5. “When not on vacation my life is boring and my nighttime dreams are dull. On vacation, time slows down and my life becomes full of novel events, and this triggers much more intense and vivid dreams at night. I have a hard time estimating the importance of this factor, but it might well be more important than all of my daytime utility during the vacation.”  Link here.

6. “Pensions may be in trouble, but long term debt is great for governments. So long, that is, as the government doesn’t turn around and bail out everyone to whom it sold long term debt!”  Link here.


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