Monday assorted links

1. Predictions about China.

2. The smartest person that Garett Jones has ever met (short video).

3. “Because increasing the capital-intensity of R&D accelerates the investments that make scientists and engineers more productive, our work suggests that AI-augmented R&D has the potential to speed up technological change and economic growth.”  Link here.

4. Predictions from 1923 about 2023.

5. GPT takes the bar exam.  And how well do GPTs write scientific abstracts?

6 “The fact that we failed to notice 99.999% of life on Earth until a few years ago is unsettling and has implications for Mars.”  The article has other interesting points about the political economy of funding a Mars program.  Recommended, and it will make you a space skeptic.

7. Hydropower problems in Zambia.


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