Sunday assorted links

1. Excellent Zach Mazlish tweets on the macro puzzle of our day.  He concludes with: “And note that all of 1/2/3 predict negative output effects to come if rates stay high for much longer, unless the (net!) positive supply shock is persistent (AI?), or fiscal demand pressures are persistent.”

2. Very good David Brooks piece on Nikki Haley (NYT).  And you all know I don’t like to cover matters electoral.

3. “Astronomers have discovered a ring-shaped cosmic megastructure, the proportions of which challenge existing theories of the universe.

4. Andreessen and Horowitz on what is wrong in higher education.

5. The Teacher’s Lounge (NYT) is a superb movie, most of all about the collapse of social trust in Germany.  It has a chockful of points relevant to social science as well.

6. Data on these links and where they come from (“Straussianism peaked in 2021″…and yes I am always on the lookout for new instances of “Horse Nationalism”).


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