Henry Oliver’s *Second Act* is coming out in the UK

An excellent book, here is the UK Amazon link, I am not sure of the U.S. plans.  The subtitle is What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Success and Reinventing Your Life.

Here is one excerpt:

What this showed is that processing speed (matching numbers and symbols) peaks much earlier than working memory (unfamiliar shapes and reciting lists of numbers). These are both aspects of fluid intelligence, but they peak at different times. The idea that fluid intelligence is one thing and declines early isn’t quite right. There are many aspects to intelligence and they peak at different ages throughout our lives. The authors of the study say: ‘Not only is there no age at which humans are performing at peak at all cognitive tasks, there may not be an age at which humans are at peak on most cognitive tasks.’

One of the very best books written on talent.  Here is a Dan Rothschild thread on the book.  Dan writes: “…this isn’t a self-help book per se. But it provides exceptional context for thinking about aging, talent, and finding purpose in life, through the lives of people who led extraordinary lives in unpredictable ways.”  Here is Henry Oliver on Twitter.


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