Category: Web/Tech

How to sign your emails

I enjoyed this article, here is an excerpt:

"If you have been writing to someone 'Best' this and 'Best' that, and
you get an e-mail that is a little colder, a little hostile, and they
sign 'Sincerely,' that does mean things aren't so good," Schwalbe says.
" 'Sincerely' is the one that says, 'There's a problem here.' "

And, one may well wonder, does "Cordially" ever mean anything other than "My hostility is only thinly veiled"?

And when, e-mail-wise, is it too early for "Love"? Does "Fondly"
ever belong in business? Is "Cheers" too mock-Brit? Too alcoholic?



Assorted links

1. Doubts on cash for clunkers.

2. Stanley Lebergott passes away at 93.

3. Lobbying strategy: give us money or we will kill the gorilla.

4. How many people are killed by cows?  "…All but one of the victims died from head or chest injuries; the last
died after a cow knocked him down and a syringe in his pocket injected
him with an antibiotic meant for the cow. In at least one case the
animal attacked from behind, when the person wasn’t looking. Older men
with arthritis and hearing aids have the highest risk of being injured
by livestock, the report says, probably because they don’t hear the
animals charging and can’t move fast enough to get out of the way."

Assorted links

1. Me on Reason.TV.

2. Nicholson Baker whinges about Kindle.

3. North Korean beer commercial.

4. An intellectual journey with many stops (one of Brad DeLong's best posts).

5. Extending the "all you can eat" concept, and yet the law intervenes.  Or, "the culture that is Germany."

6. The Women's Leadership Fund, a new investment strategy.

7. More patently false claims about China.

8. Via Kottke, cats play Arnold Schoenberg's Op.11; I loved this one.