An Eminent Domain Case that I Favor
If rich, powerful people were subject to eminent domain I think the Kelo decision would have been decided differently. Logan Clements has a good idea for a new hotel project.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Mr. Chip Meany
Code Enforcement Officer
of Weare, New Hampshire
Fax 603-529-4554Dear Mr. Meany,
am proposing to build a hotel at 34 Cilley Hill Road in the Town of Weare. I
would like to know the process your town has for allowing such a
development.Although this property is owned by an individual, David H. Souter, a recent
Supreme Court decision, "Kelo vs. City of New London" clears the way for this
land to be taken by the Government of Weare through eminent domain and given to
my LLC for the purposes of building a hotel. The justification for such an
eminent domain action is that our hotel will better serve the public interest as
it will bring in economic development and higher tax revenue to Weare.As
I understand it your town has five people serving on the Board of Selectmen.
Therefore, since it will require only three people to vote in favor of the use
of eminent domain I am quite confident that this hotel development is a viable
project. I am currently seeking investors and hotel plans from an architect.
Please let me know the proper steps to follow to proceed in accordance with the
law in your town.Thank you.
Logan Darrow
Freestar Media, LLC
Addendum: The hotel is to be called the Lost Liberty Hotel. You can pledge to stay at the hotel if it is built, thereby demonstrating its public value, at Pledge Bank which uses assurance contracts to overcome prisoner’s dilemma problems. Thanks to Travis Corcoran for the link and starting the pledge.