10 Things You Shouldn’t Buy New
A MSN.com article lists the following:
1. Books
2. DVDs and CDs
3. Little kids’ toys
4. Jewelry (TC: Uh-Oh)
5. Sports equipment
6. Cars
7. Software and console games
8. Office furniture
9. Timeshares
10. Handtools
I agree except for numbers four and six, but on four I wish I could agree. The common feature of the argument seems to be that we can do without "the gloss of the new" by a mere act of will.
But don’t buy helmets, laptops, wet suits, or vacuum cleaners used, they often have hidden damage. They forgot to list underwear.
Addendum: As long as we are on the topic of "ten," here is Guy Kawasaki’s "Ten Things They Should Teach You in School," recommended.