*The Globalization Paradox*

The author is Dani Rodrik and the subtitle is Democracy and the Future of the World Economy and it is due out early next year.

It is a very good introduction to the Rodrik world view.  If you already know the Rodrik worldview, I am not sure it offers anything new.  Still, it is worth reading through the Rodrik worldview more than once.  I prefer the Rodrik "every country is different" tack to the "globalization, nation-state, democracy — choose two" emphasis (and here), and this book slants in that direction, though it has both. 

When it comes to the "choose two" approach, I wonder at what margin must we choose — doesn't Sweden have all three today?  Doesn't politics involve a lot of juggling balls in the air anyway?  A country with a high rate of productivity growth can manage all sorts of tensions and a country without such growth cannot; I would sooner start the analysis with that distinction.


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