India, Modernity, and the Great Divergence
India, Modernity, and the Great Divergence: Mysore and Gujarat (17th to 19th C.) is exactly what the title promises. This 700 pp. or so book by Kaveh Yazdani, teaching in South Africa, is not published within the traditional network of outlets. Yet from my perusal of the first 100 pp. or so it seemed quite promising, plus it has excellent endorsements, for instance:
“Yazdani has made a great addition to scholarship on the Great Divergence. His analysis of military, economic, technical, and political advances in Mysore and Gujarat – two of the most commercially advanced areas of 17th and 18th century India – sheds new light on the nature and complexity of the differences between contemporary Indian and European states. No analysis of the Great Divergence will be credible without taking Yazdani’s research, and Indian developments, into account.”
– Jack A. Goldstone, Hazel Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax
Recommended, to some of you, let’s hope it gets a broader circulation. We do indeed live in a golden age for economic history.