Yana reviews the new John Goodman book

You can buy Priceless: Curing the Health Care Crisis here, her comments are under the fold…

Goodman’s *Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis* is an excellent treatise on the healthcare industry and how our political solutions are making that world increasingly perverse, ineffective, and stagnant. Tyler has written before about how healthcare is one of the few remaining industries with low-hanging fruit for innovation. In my work I am consistently struck by how many great healthcare delivery ideas are illegal and Goodman showcases many examples of healthcare entrepreneurship which aren’t allowed to take off because of the regulatory environment and the entrenchment of major players.

Goodman at once lays a strong foundation for healthcare as a system “too complex for any single individual (or group of individuals) to grasp or understand” and makes a strong case for how much hubris policy has had in trying to address the problems of the industry. Herein lies the most powerful lesson of the book: while it is impossible that any entrepreneur will devise an overarching solution for our healthcare problems we have forgotten how to let process innovators test solutions and chip away at problems the way they do to roaring success in other industries.

Goodman pinpoints various turns the US has taken to bring existing private coverage and provision of services under the government umbrella. Woven together, these examples provide a vivid picture of systematically government payers have crowded out private sector solutions. This has led to stagnation while propagating the myth that the government is the only capable provider of services for everything from prescription drug coverage (with the passage of Medicare Part D) to comparative-effectiveness research ($1.1 billion allocated under the stimulus bill alone). This has led to a price system so broken that it does not exist. Goodman’s discussion of time prices exposes that we cannot simply push prices down without shifting the costs to other means of rationing. Similarly, his comparison of Medicaid to food stamps showcases how ridiculous Medicaid’s prohibitions on supplementing care with cash are, even within the internal logic of a robust welfare state.

Goodman is not shy about exposing the politics of healthcare and how it stands in the way of treating those who need care the most, including the poor and elderly, but this book is no exercise in partisanship. Rather, he homes in on one of the biggest insurmountable obstacles that the political debate brings to bear:

“Normally I do not comment on the motives of people I disagree with…Yet through the years I have discovered that the most important differences people have over health policy have little to do with facts, reasoning or logical argument. The most important differences stem from differences in fundamental world views. There are a very large number of people in this field who find the price system distasteful – at least for medical care…For well-intentioned reasons perhaps, they are emotionally predisposed to favor the suppression of normal market processes.”

Goodman has a strong grasp of realities such as the fact that many acute care services will always be sticky to being provided locally but that ambulatory and elective procedures make up the majority of the market and have the potential for reinventing how healthcare is delivered. Many will disagree with the ideas presented but the book will push the thinking of anyone involved in healthcare. This is especially true since Goodman has a thoroughgoing understanding of healthcare as an industry, a quality which most of the loudest voices in policy sorely lack.


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