Marginal Revolution University Subtitled in Multiple Languages

Here’s a cool new feature at MRUniversity. Click on the settings icon (the gear) in one of our videos and you will find options for subtitles. English subtitles are useful for the deaf or those with hearing loss and also helpful for those learning English as a second language. In addition, we now have professional subtitles for our Principles of Microeconomics class in French, Arabic and Spanish. We have started in on Chinese and we have more languages on the way. Our Principles of Macroeconomics is subtitled in English and Spanish (so far!).

Actually, thanks to Google Translate, we have machine-translated subtitles in dozens of different languages including Turkish, Hindi, and Vietnamese. The machine translated versions are a bit crude, of course, which is why we are adding professional translations but the machine versions are getting better all the time!


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