Angered, Sweden

I wish to visit Angered, Sweden (sometimes called Angered Centrum), yes that is the name of the place:

When I entered this mysterious end station. I didn’t expect to find a shopping center that had so many Halal restaurants, Turkish delights stores and Kebab places. I love to eat Kebabs here in Norway with Halal meat, so for me its not a problem eating this. I rather found this place interesting, because it had all of the world foods in one place.

At the end of this shopping center, I found ICA store and here I found some Swedish people. But mostly everywhere I went there was foreigners…Why is Angered Centrum almost empty of Swedish people? Have the government in Sweden made this to a place so that foreigners and Swedish people should live so far apart from each other that it would reduce conflicts?

Here is more.  The Wikipedia page of Angered is unusual, it serves up tidbits such as:

The hilly terrain forced the planners to build the different parts of Angered at some distance from each other.

It turns out that Angered was modeled after Brasilia, and it was a major center for public housing investment.

The locale can be subdivided further yet:

Of those born in Hjallbo, a district of Angered, three-quarters have a foreign background. This compared with a half two decades ago and just 6.5 per cent in all of Sweden.

Added to this sense of cultural and social isolation is the suburb’s reputation for criminality and violence. Nawol and Hamdi, two Somali teenagers in hijabs, voice their concerns about living in a neighbourhood that has long been characterised as a ghetto. “I don’t like living in Angered. A lot of people do bad things,” said Nawol, 19. Hamdi added: “There are a lot of gangsters.”

There is a Swedish election on Sunday, and to counter the Sweden Democrats many of the other Swedish parties are moving to the right on immigration, the median voter theorem in slow motion, so to speak.

Exactly what kind of institutional failure is this?  Political?  Intellectual?  Democratic?  The absence of real democracy?  I should stress that I am happy to live near Somali and Yemeni women in hijab (and not) in northern Virginia, and I believe American assimilation continues to work reasonably well, including for Muslims and in fact especially for Muslims overall.  But the formula seems to work less well in Sweden, with its tighter social structures and more generous welfare benefits.  What exactly went wrong?  What is the final equilibrium?  Will anyone ever be able to say again “if only they had a Nordic-style social welfare state”?


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