*Oppenheimer*, the movie

Well, you know how the story ends so there are no real spoilers.  I will say I found about thirty minutes of excellent movie in a three hour experience.  The best material starts when the test bomb goes off.  There is remarkably little about the social, intellectual, or scientific excitement at Los Alamos — a serial Netflix installment would have done a better job with that.  The dialogue is choppy and poor throughout.  Most of all, the movie spends about two hours fleshing out McCarthyite themes in what I found to be a very repetitive and uninsightful manner.  I have seen what — five?? — movies that do the same.  Even Woody Allen did a better job of this in his The Front.  The various male-female relations all seem so hurried.  There was too much music.

So I give this one a thumbs down.  I do like that it forces the viewer to think more about nuclear weapons, and I am sure many people will learn some history from it.  The movie definitely has its uses, but overall I enjoyed Mission Impossible 7 more.


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