The Great Spanish Estancamiento (from my email)
I’ve read an interesting article over at “El Pais” on the Spanish stagnation ( , paywalled). Some interesting bits:
– Spain’s GDP per capita, measured at constant prices in 2022, has shown minimal growth compared to 2007, with just a 0.8 per cent increase over 15 years. Meanwhile, other European countries have seen significant growth: France by 7 per cent, the Netherlands by 10.7 per cent, and Germany by 13.7 per cent.
– Spanish productivity is being dragged down by small businesses, while medium and large companies perform closer to the EU average.The article claims that “la particularidad española es que el peso relativo de estas empresas pequeñas en el tejido productivo es mucho mayor que en los países vecinos”.
My digression: some ( point out that in Italy TFP is declining because of large firms.
– In 2022, the rate of “early leavers from education and training” has reached 13.9 per cent. In the EU only Romania surpasses Spain in this regard. The authors point to tourism as the main culprit. But in the two EU countries where tourism contributes the largest share to GDP – Croatia and Greece – the percentage of such young people is the lowest ( ).
The authors support some sort of industrial policy for Spain as a way to overcome the stagnation. Even with the changing climate of opinion in Brussels and a more mercantilist mindset, I doubt that a full-blown, national industrial policy is possible within the EU. Probably, as with Italy (see: ), without constraints imposed by Brussels, the stagnation wouldn’t be as deep as it is.
It would be great to see a comparative analysis of TFP stagnation in the European South!
That is from Krzysztof Tyszka-Drozdowski.