The cities meme

This is making the rounds on Twitter, so I thought I would serve up my somewhat unusual, not quite playing the game by its rules answers:

City I hate: Do I hate any cities?  I don’t think so.  I do recall being disappointed in Invercargill, New Zealand.  I expected a cool, end of the earth vibe, but it was mainly a boring dump.  Probably it has improved.  Can I even call it a city?

City I think is overrated: Isn’t almost everything good underrated?  But perhaps I am disillusioned with Milan.

City I think is underrated: By outsiders?  Los Angeles.  Residents however pay a lot to live there.

City I like: Busan

City I love: Berlin, Singapore, London

City I feel most myself in: Fairfax County

City I still need to visit: Capetown, Bordeaux, Vilnius, Caracas, Santiago, Cuba, and Tblisi.  Muscat too.

City I dream of living in: Fairfax County


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