Claims about Anchorage (from the comments)

You all are not noticing the location. Why do you think anchorage is the busiest cargo airport in the world? Because it is the only large western city on the main air route between China and Europe. Shipping from China through the artic is 30% faster and more efficient than current routes.

Anchorage will one day be the port of exchange between Asia, North America, and Europe.

It will become for ship based cargo what it already is for air based cargo. And due to that, it will be the most important American military base in the world.

I don’t think you all are considering how much an ice free Arctic Ocean will change international trade routes.

It will become the very northwest passage explorers had been looking for since like 1500.

When you think about it… anchorage is the obvious location. 50%+ of the worlds trade is going to be using anchorage as the stopping point between Asia and Europe.

That is from Student.


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