I’m kind of tired of this
First of all, I favor the classical liberal strands on the Right, not the New Right strands, as I have argued repeatedly in the past. So I am not trying here to argue for “my guys.” But the degree of misinformation at the current moment is just staggering, and most intellectual commentators seem to be embracing it or at least tolerating it. For one thing, the whole couch´sofa matter just isn’t true. For another, Trump did not just say, at the end of his recent speech, that democracy will end in four years. Listen to the entirety of the very end of the speech. What he said is that he will end electoral fraud if he wins, and thus, in the future, Republicans won’t need all their supporters to vote to give them huge, fraud-proof margins. (To be clear, that claim itself involves some significant misinformation.) He was not heralding the end of democracy.
Or how about the patently absurd claims from Timothy Snyder, famous historian from Yale, who cannot even get right the events from a few days ago?
If you want, track all the links down yourself. In the meantime, a lot of our elites are embarrassing themselves yet again, and that too is very bad for democracy, not to mention intelligence and intellectual honesty.