The epistemics of drone incursions

I do not pretend to know what is going on, nor do I think it is aliens.  I do read:

The sprawling Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is the latest military installation to report mysterious drones flying over its airspaceThe War Zone has learned.

“I can confirm small aerial systems were spotted over Wright Patterson between Friday night and Saturday morning,” base spokesman Bob Purtiman told The War Zone on Sunday in response to our questions about the sightings. “Today leaders have determined that they did not impact base residents, facilities, or assets. The Air Force is taking all appropriate measures to safeguard our installations and residents.”

The drones “ranged in sizes and configurations,” Purtiman said. “Our units are working with local authorities to ensure the safety of base personnel, facilities, and assets.”

The airspace over the base was closed for a while.  My point here is to beware self-styled “debunkers,” who often acquire excess ownership in a schtick.  Most of all I mean figures such as Mick West.  It is easy enough to find stupid claims about drones (especially in New Jersey?) and counter them.  The better way to proceed is to confront the strongest claims head on.  The head of DHS is mystified, and a classified security briefing was held for Congress.  Those are puzzles we should try to figure out.  There is at least a reasonable probability that something interesting is going on here.  Beware debunkers, very often they are not your epistemic friends.

Addendum: Here is an update from a man who receives high-level intelligence briefings.


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