Emergent Ventures winners, 40th cohort

Akhil Kumar, 19, Toronto, global health issues and general career development.

Janet Shin, Berkeley, neurotech and brain imaging.

Diana Leung, San Francisco, AI and bio and machine learning.

Kyle MacLeod, Oxford University, economics videos on YouTube.

Aarav Sharma, Singapore, high school, to work on exoskeletons and AI.

Megan Gafford, NYC, writings on aesthetics, Substack.

Alice Gribbin, Berkeley, to write a book on Correggio and beauty.

Kaivalya Hariharan, MIT,  to work on man-machine collaboration and AI, with previous EV winner Uzay Girit.

Eve Ang, Singapore, high school, biosciences and building exoskeletons.

Alex Chalmers, London area, writing on tech, progress, and policy.

Elanu Karakus, Stanford, Turkey, a smart flower to help bees find flowers.

Ishan Sharma, Washington DC, policy work on geologic hydrogen.

Parker Whitfill, economics PhD student at MIT, evaluations of differing AI systems.

Sympatheticopposition.com, @sympatheticopp, San Francisco, writing and Substack.

Yes there are further EV winners and an additional cohort coming soon!  Apologies for any delays.

Again, here is the AI engine, built by Nabeel Qureshi, for searching through the longer list.  Here are previous cohorts of EV winners.


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