How to teach people how to work with AI

I have a very concrete and specific proposal for teaching people how to work with AI.  It is also a proposal for how to reform higher education.

Given them some topics to investigate, and have them run a variety of questions, exercises, programming, paper-writing tasks — whatever — through the second or third-best model, or some combination of slightly lesser models.

Have the students grade and correct the outputs of those models. The key is to figure out where the AIs are going wrong.

Then have the best model grade the grading of the students.  The professor occasionally may be asked to contribute here as well, depending on how good the models are in absolute terms.

In essence, the students are learning how to grade and correct AI models.

Just keep on doing this.

Of course the students need to learn subject matter as well, but perhaps this process should be what…one-third of all higher education?

You might think the models are too good for human grading and correction to matter at all, whether now or in the future.  That may be true at some point.  That is the same scenario, however, where it does not matter what we teach the students.  Might as well teach them for the world-states in which they are of some use at all.

This is all apart from the PhD you might get in gardening, but even there I think you will need to spend some time learning how to correct and judge AI models.


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