History of economic thought paper ideas

These topics seem underexplored to me:


Economics in the Talmud

Rise of econometrics in the 19th century

The Irish economists, including Cairnes and Longfield

The last 50 years of economics are in general very poorly covered

Works in any foreign language you might read

Chinese economic thought

Economic thought in India

The funding of economics, and economists, through the ages (very underdone)

The institutionalization of economics

History of women in economics, especially recently

History of prizes and awards in economics

Economic ideas and fascism, in various eras

Economic thoughts on the arts, starting with Hume

History of finance and financial economics, considerably understudied

Economics and demographic thought, throughout the ages, for instance the 1920s

The very early history of law and economics

Economic thought in various religions

Economics and 19th century psychology

History of experimental economics

History of RCTs

History of economics and education, as a topic

History of what has been taught in economics classes, over the generations

History of textbooks

History of economists in government

History of economists in multi-lateral institutions

History of economists working in central banks

History of how various economic databases have been built

History of economists doing journalism (both Menger and Walras were first journalists)

Early history of “environmental economics”

Early history of economics/water supply issues

Earlier writings on the economics of slavery

History of economists holding public office, J.S. Mill, Einaudi, many others, or as central bankers

The Henry Geoge movement over the generations

Economic “dissidents” of various kinds

History of economists working with the military and national security


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