Scott Alexander on Milei

Monthly inflation went from 25% to about 4%. This is obviously great, but there are two small notes of concern.

First, the 25% number was just one really bad month. Inflation had been at a baseline of about 4% for most of the last five years. The immediately-pre-Milei government really cranked up the money printer in its last few months, increasing the numbers to 10% for a few months, and finally 25% for one really bad final month. Milei was able to get it down to its usual baseline of 4%, but I think he was hoping to get it lower. So far it’s been stubborn and stayed at the 4% level through the spring and summer.

Second, even 4% monthly inflation is awful. 4% monthly = 60% yearly. Remember, the United States briefly had 9% yearly inflation after COVID and people were livid. Argentina’s “good” “improved” inflation is still 7x that.

Here is much more detail on many related issues.


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