Tabarrok on Bail
I appeared on the Bail in the Midwest Podcast (Apple) to talk about crime and bail. Here is one bit:
I’ve talked about capturing these people and recapturing them and that of course is what you see on television. That’s the sexy part of it but actually a lot of what is going on, as you well know, is that the bail bondsmen understand the system much better than the the clients do. So what they’re often doing is helping their clients to navigate the system and to remind them that “you have a court date”. They call them up and send them a text, “don’t forget you have to be at court at this time in this place,” you know these these people are not necessarily putting it on their Google Calendar right? So the bail bondsmen they really perform a social service in helping people to navigate the intricacies of the criminal justice system at a time of high stress.
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