Marijuana sentences to ponder: new data from the Colorado experiment
“This study finds total marijuana demand to be much larger than previously estimated,” Colorado’s study concluded.
And this, which I think suggests the laws in other states are binding for many consumers:
Colorado concluded that visitors account for 44 percent of recreational marijuana retail sales in the Denver area. In the mountains and other vacation spots, visitors to Colorado account for 90 percent of recreational dispensary traffic.
And this, which sounds tautologous, but is not:
“Heavy users consume marijuana much more often, and more intensely, than other consumers,” the study concluded.
Overall heavy users seem to account for about seventy percent of total demand. Here is some detail:
Colorado’s market numbers bore out survey estimates that most marijuana is consumed by heavy daily users. For example, survey authors estimated that a third of all Colorado’s pot consumers use the drug less than once a month. But that group accounts for just 0.3 percent of the total market, analysts concluded.
The full story is here, the study itself is here. For the pointer I thank C., who I believe is not part of that seventy percent of market demand.