Unconventional Indicators of National Aspiration
What are your top indicators of national aspiration? Percentage of GDP devoted to R&D would be a good conventional indicator. What about some unconventional indicators? My top five:
1) Top marginal tax rate
2) Space Program
3) Distance to travel to mother’s home
4) Tallest statue
5) Cultural exports
On these, the US and India perform well. India leads on tallest statue and its space program is impressive for a developing country. Cultural exports are currently low but historically high–I would not be surprised at a rebound. A lot of eastern European countries such as Hungary and Romania have flat taxes with top rates of 10-15%. Israel has a space program.
I am always surprised by how little people tend to move from the family home. In the US:
…80% of young adults migrate less than 100 miles from where they grew up. 90% migrate less than 500 miles. Migration distances are shorter for Black and Hispanic individuals and for those from low-income families
If anything this seems to be down in the US despite the much greater ease of moving today than in the past.
Your unconventional indicator?
Hat tip: Connor.