Results for “markets in everything”
1803 found

Assorted links

1. Britain will give up on paper bank cheques [checks] altogether.

2. The new Hayao Miyazaki project.

3. The charcuterie resistance.

4. The constitutional crisis in Nigeria.

5. Betting markets in everything: Tiger and Elin's divorce settlement, plus who will sponsor Tiger next.

6. The Paul Samuelson Memorial investment tax credit.

7. Umbrellas of altruism: pay a premium and get them blunt.

Assorted links

1. Scott Sumner's most absurd belief: India as #1 in gdp by 2109.

2. Click "play" and watch unemployment grow.

3. Who is Hollywood's most overpaid star, relative to box office returns?  Will Farrell is #1 it seems.

4. Markets in everything: NYC McDonald's with sleek Danish furniture.

5. Saddam's strategic thinking.

6. Via Caroline Flyn, China ethnicity of the week, good for a whole year (photos, recommended).

7. The Political Economy of Trust, by Henry Farrell.

MR vocabulary guide

1. “Self-recommending”: the very nature of the authors and project suggest it will be good or very good.  This also often (but not always) means I haven’t read it yet.  I am reluctant to recommend *anything* I haven’t read, but I am signaling it is very likely recommendation-worthy and I wish to let you know about it sooner rather than later.

2. An “Assorted link” that ends with a question mark: Worth thinking about, but I wish to distance myself from the conclusion and the methods of the study, without being contrary per se.

3. Hansonian: of, or relating to Robin Hanson.

4. The Jacksonian mode of discourse.  I am opposed to this.  Political and economic pamphlets in the Jacksonian era were excessively polemical and sometimes the Jacksonian mode is still used today, in 2009, believe it or not.

5. Wunderkind: Take the average age of that person’s relevant peers.  If said person is either under twenty or less than half that average, that person may qualify for “Wunderkind” status.

6. Markets in everything: Some of these are celebratory but many of these are sad or tragic.  Usually I am trying to get you to think about — as a philosophical question — why the market exists at all and not whether it should be legal.

7. Tyrone is my brother and alter-ego who believes the opposite of what Tyler believes.  Trudie offers personal advice.  Neither has good time management skills and thus they don’t write very much these days.

8. “Shout it from the rooftops”: What to do with wordy, obscure truths which the world badly needs to learn.

What have I left out?

Assorted links

1. 4500-page Thesaurus: "The draft thesaurus was almost destroyed in a fire in 1978, but despite
the building being gutted, a metal filing cabinet protected the files."

2. Markets in everything: who said resources are not mobile in Germany?

3. Hayek opposed deflation; he said the same in MTaTTC too.

4. Donate your organs by iPhone.

5. Why so few DC residents are married.

I'm still looking for an ideal "economics" link on the Catholic-Anglican development.  Do you have one?

Assorted links

1. Markets in everything: fish in a squirrel suit (disgusting), via Kathleen Fasanella).

2. How good is microinsurance?

3. Preserving network neutrality without regulation.

4. More on pay-what-you-wish pricing.

5. Ryan Avent responds; in his closing: "I have learned something from this exchange – Tyler discounts arguments
couched in emotional, or emotional-seeming, terms. That’s a shame.
Sometimes people see and write most clearly when they allow themelves
to be angry. It’s then that they feel no obligation to water down their
argument with unnecessary caveats or efforts to protect interpersonal
relationships. Maybe Tyler never has these inclinations, but I believe
that most people do."

6. Top 20 albums of the 2000s?